
Free Phone Numbers To Receive SMS Online

Worldwide phone number to receive sms online, everyone can get a free phone number from us. We attempt to offer something new every day. Our service is absolutely free of charge and completely anonymous. To use our temporary phone numbers, you do not need to register. You can put them to any use you want. Our numbers can be used to verify services such as Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, Viber, Line, WeChat, KakaoTalk, and many others. Every SMS message received will be shown on our website.

Available Countries

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To receive text messages, get a free phone number.

Within a few seconds, the received text messages are available. Simply reload the page of the temporary phone number you've chosen. The numbers above are transient and disposable virtual numbers. That they are available for a few days, weeks, or months... but not indefinitely! After a few days, all received SMS messages will be removed. Save any essential messages you receive on your phone or computer.

Every day, new online phone numbers are added.

Every day, we make an effort to add new international phone numbers and remove any that are no longer active. Our free numbers work in any language and from anywhere (Chinese, Arabic, Cyrillic etc.).

What countries do you provide free phone numbers for?

We currently have numbers for Spain, Poland, Russia, the United States, Germany, Romania, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Ireland, South Africa, Belgium, Estonia, Lithuania, and we will be adding more shortly.

Is a mobile phone required to use

No! All you need is a web browser such as Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, or any other.

Is ReceiveSMS.Live restricted in any way?

No! You may use as many phone numbers as you like and receive as many text messages as you like. There are no restrictions on how much you can use our services.

Is it necessary for me to create an account in order to get an SMS?

No! It is not required that you create an account. All phone numbers are available for free and do not require registration.

What is the difference between a free virtual phone number and a free temporary phone number?

These numbers are also known as DIDs (direct inward dialling), which refers to a phone number that does not have a direct connection to a phone line. In most cases, they were used to redirect an incoming call to a different phone number. A virtual phone number like this serves as a bridge between traditional phone calls and VoIP calls (Voice Over IP). A virtual phone number is sometimes known as a phoney phone number, a temporary phone number, or a throwaway phone number.